Monday, November 8, 2010


Vajoom is a game. For those of you who like little puzzles, Vajoom is a game where I take pictures of many different things, and you, the viewer, must determine what they are. This game will be updated every evening, so you can check back every day. Allow me to explain the game in further detail.

When you look at a post it will have a picture in it. The puzzle will be marked as either easy, medium, hard, or intense. There will also frequently be a category annotated. You will see something like this:

as you can see, all Vajoom pictures are inverted! You may then guess what the Vajoom of the day is below in the comments section! If you want to know the answer, you will have to check back the next day! When you come back, there will be a post up with the answer to a previous Vajoom. These pictures will often be bigger and much more explanatory than the actual post (hence, the game). They will look like this:

As you can see, the correct answer to this Vajoom would be "a bell". Of course, there are other answers, like "plate" or "flower" but hopefully you will always be able to tell what the main subject of the Vajoom is supposed to be.

Let me know if you have any questions, and happy Vajooming!

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